Counting My Blessings

From his time in a Honolulu street gang to surviving the attack on Pearl Harbor to disarming bombs across Europe, native Hawaiian Herb Weatherwax's life story is full of mischief, adventure and travel. Counting his blessings along the way, Herb recalls what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, the trials and tribulations of his youth, his World War II experience, and his eventual transition to business owner, family man, and community leader and volunteer. Written in his own words, Uncle Herb, as he is affectionately known, reveals his humble heart, sense of humor, and endearing personality.

  • Best Seller: Top Ten Books at Pearl Harbor
  • Paperback: 60 pages
  • Published by the National Park Service and Pacific Historic Parks

Please note: If you select a signed copy of this book, it will be stamped with the author's name by the author. Mr. Weatherwax is in his 90s and his hand is unsteady

          This product has been approved by the National Park Service and is part of the official merchandise offered at the USS Arizona Memorial store at the WWII Valor in the Pacific National Monument. Proceeds from sales helps the educational, historical and research efforts by the National Park Service at this Park. 

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